Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation – On the Road to a Cure

Jason Pflaum serves as the president and senior consultant of Plum Tree Advisors, LLC, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Experienced in consulting on financial and business development strategies, Jason Pflaum works with both emerging and established companies. Outside of work, he contributes his efforts to the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF). Pflaum has a personal interest in this research, as his wife, Jill, was diagnosed with this blood cancer in 2011.

As the number one privately funded multiple myeloma organization in the United States, and one of the highest rated non-profits in the world, the MMRF and its partners develop treatment protocols 60% more quickly than other organizations.

More than 77,000 people live with this cancer, which affects the plasma cells inside bone marrow. Plasma cells are essential to the body’s immune system. Through a complex process, normal plasma cells can become cancerous, creating an antibody called Protein M.

Protein M serves no useful purpose; as its numbers grow, it displaces other useful antibodies and leads to conditions such as kidney problems and bone deficiencies. As the disease spreads, soft spots develop in the bones, particularly in the hips, shoulders, ribs, and spine, which makes some patients more prone to fractures.

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